As specialists in the manufacture of Private Label products, we are proud to offer a range of highly effective and competitively priced Dead Sea cosmetic personal care products that can be specifically designed & manufactured to your specifications.
We select the finest, natural and most innovative ingredients for use in our personal care cosmetic products, ingredients that are renowned for their curative & cosmetic properties. All products are manufactured in line with the latest consumer trends and free from controversial ingredients and none of the products manufactured byusare tested on animals.
Private Brand - Pros and Cons
A private brand is a product manufactured by a manufacturer, but sold under a brand owned by a marketing company, usually a marketing network. In some cases the brand will be the same brand as the reseller company, but sometimes the marketing network will create a separate brand for its private brand, all depending on the positioning it wants to create for the brand. There are several differences between private brands and regular brands, which create pros and cons for the private brand.

Private brands were originally created by marketing networks to reduce their dependence on manufacturers with strong brands. But in order to compete with the well-known brands of manufacturers, private brands have been sold at lower prices. Due to the low price, which is the most influential signal on quality perception, products sold under a private brand were perceived as less quality. Even in cases where the product is manufactured by the same manufacturer who manufactured the branded product, the products sold under the private brand were seen as less quality. Although over time, some private brands have succeeded in establishing themselves in such a way that they are perceived as high quality as the regular brands, most of the private brands are still perceived as less quality, as a result of the low price and overall image of the private brands.
There are marketing networks that, despite the wide variety, have managed to create a very positive image in terms of quality for their private brand, but it required a lot of resources and time. Customers should realize that indeed all products that come under the private brand and manufactured by a wide range of manufacturers meet high quality requirements. As long as the private brand offers a wide range of products, it is a competition for many suppliers for the marketing network and this can lead to struggles with the suppliers.